Raytracing   • Raytracing •

< Raytracing

< 3D World

• Intro

> Overview

> Projections

> Bryce


— 3D World: Panorama —

An overview what panoramas are. A simple example scene in a three dimensional room was created in Bryce and is shown here. All examples are based on this scene. What is on a cylinder or a sphere cannot be displayed on a flat piece of paper or computer screen without distortion. This is shown here.

Ten small QTVR (QuickTime Virtual Reality) movies are embedded in the pages. If the browser does not have the appropriate plug-in, the movies cannot be displayed.

Panoramas can be displayed on the inner wall of a cylinder or barrel. Strip-panoramas are introduced. Panoramas can also be displayed inside a sphere. They are even more impressive than strip-panoramas. A sphere can be reduced to a cube. If the sides are appropriately prepared, it looks the same as a spherical panorama. The peculiarities of the Bryce camera.

Tutorial to create cylindrical and cubical panoramas in Bryce. The program used for the tutorials was Bryce 5.01

Note: With Bryce 7.1 come tutorials how spherical panoramas can be made with four different methods. The tutorials are in the Bryce main folder: Content\Tutorials\Horo Wernli\Start.html.

Two commercial products by David Brinnen and Horo in the Daz 3D Shop that render spherical panoramas directly.

The Bryce 7 Pro Scene Converter at left renders directly into the Angular Map projection:

The Bryce 7 Pro Spherical Mapper at right renders directly into the Spherical projection:

  © 2004 - 2018 by Horo Wernli.